Ginger jam is a unique product that retains its favorable properties even when there is a large amount of sugar in its composition. Not without reason, such preparation is a dessert of health and beauty. Those with a sweet tooth come up with new jam compositions from ginger, lemon, honey, and other ingredients. For maximum benefits and great taste, you need to know the nuances of preparing the bitter root. Still, you do not forget about the possible contraindications.

Composition, components, and calorie content of ginger jam. Benefits, harms, cooking operations. How to eat ginger jam, simple recipes. Interesting facts.

Is ginger jam good for you?

Ginger is a somewhat bitter root. At the same time, the medicinal properties of the product have long been known. It is not surprising that chefs worldwide are trying to make a wholesome products for gourmets. Sweet lovers got their recipe – ginger jam. It is a sweetness that retains the properties of the main ingredient.

But when it comes to preserving the positive qualities of the product should not be deceived. In this case, we are talking about jam, which means that the calorie content goes off the scale. One of its ingredients is a caramel product (sugar or honey) with a high energy value.

The caloric content of ginger jam varies according to the recipe. Still, on average, this figure is 260 kcal or 1089 kJ per 100 g of preparation, which is almost 17% of daily consumption for a healthy, active person.

At the same time, the bulk composition of BZHU is significantly reduced to carbohydrates:

  • Protein – 0 g;
  • Fat – 0 g;
  • Carbohydrates – 65 g.

This amount of carbohydrates covers the nutritional needs of about 46% per day.

The calorie content and nutritional value of the product show that it is impossible to make jam the basis of the diet. Special techniques for making ginger jam allow you to preserve the valuable part of the root in the desert, which means that a serving of sweets will not hurt.

Ginger jam composition contains vitamins:

  • Thiamine (B1) – 0.025 mg;
  • Riboflavin (B2) – 0.034 mg;
  • Choline (B4) – 28.8 mg;
  • Pantothenic acid (B5) – 0, 203 mg;
  • Pyridoxine (B6) – 0.16 mg;
  • Folate (B9) – 11mkg;
  • Ascorbic acid (C) – 5 mg;
  • Alpha-tocopherol (E) – 0.26 mg;
  • Vitamin PP – 0.75 mg.

The complex of useful macro- and micronutrients is also preserved in sweets:

  • Potassium – 415 mg;
  • Calcium – 16 mg;
  • Magnesium – 43 mg;
  • Sodium – 13 mg;
  • Phosphorus – 34 mg;
  • Iron – 0.6 mg;
  • Manganese – 0.229 mg;
  • Copper – 226 micrograms;
  • Selenium – 0.7 micrograms;
  • Zinc – 0.34 mg.

High levels of potassium (17%DV), magnesium (11%), manganese (12%), and Copper (23%) have even led the recipe for ginger jam, one of the few dessert recipes, to enter the list of nutrients…

It should also note that sugar and caramelizing of the root are not taken from gingerol. This pulp gives a memorable burning aftertaste, making this taste softer. Essential oils remain in the composition and give the product a strong scent.

Note! The benefits of ginger jam increase if lemons, oranges, and other citrus fruits with a high content of ascorbic acid are added. In some cases, this figure can be up to 6% of daily consumption, which should be taken into account by people with vitamin C allergies.

Functional properties of ginger jam

The beneficial properties of ginger and its dishes have long been known. And so far, this fact has been proven by research into the chemical composition of products. Recipes of lemon and ginger jam minimize malnutrition during processing.

 A perfect dish with a pleasant taste has a positive effect on the following systems:

  • Digestion … The normalization of the digestive tract activity occurs not only because of the nutrients in the sweets but also because of the fiber of the root. The essential oils also help to remove bad breath and overcome the worms in the body. The digestive benefits of ginger jam are that its main ingredient promotes the production of gastric juices, improves appetite, reduces flatulence, and effectively fights diarrhea. Eating for those who are seasick is recommended, as ginger removes nausea and vomiting, normalizes the density of bile, and promotes its normal outflow through the channels.
  • Resistant … In combination with lemon and honey, ginger jam activates the protective properties of the body and tones up, promoting the absorption of vitamin A. The root itself has antiseptic properties.
  • Cardiovascular system … Copper in the composition of the dessert is part of the enzymes involved in the processing of iron. A sufficient amount of the mineral in the body allows you to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood pressure and ensure the regular transport of cardiac impulses.
  • Nervous … The system’s function is normal due to the regulation of intracellular electrolyte balance with the help of potassium.
  • Respiratory tract… With a cold, ginger root jam promotes better lung mucus discharge.
  • Sexually … By consuming ginger root regularly, you can get rid of infertility, increase libido and reduce the risk of pelvic diseases. The strengthening effect of the sweet on the female reproductive system should also be noted. A positive impact on normal water and electrolyte balance background allows you to reduce sensitivity and pain during menstruation. And thanks to the acceleration of metabolic processes, the beautiful half of humanity eating ginger jam makes it much easier to lose those extra pounds.

Of course, while fresh produce is more beneficial, eating canned food will also positively affect a person’s well-being.

It is essential to eat ginger and lemon jam in the winter when:

  • Active mental work and a sedentary lifestyle – the vitamins and carbohydrates in storage keep the body in good shape;
  • Seasonal vitamin deficiency – there are not so many vitamins in the composition of ginger jam as in ready-made complexes, but they are fully absorbed, and if citrus fruits such as lemon are added to the sweetness during cooking or make jam from ginger with orange, then the content of C – of vitamin in it will increase several times;
  • Anemia – the body entirely absorbs the iron in ginger;
  • Intoxication – the components present at the root identify, bind, and remove toxins and harmful substances from the blood;
  • Constipation or gastrointestinal imbalance – it has long been noted that retention has a mild laxative effect;
  • Age-related changes – general strengthening, immunostimulatory, bactericidal, and antimicrobial effects of the product have a positive impact on the physiological system of the whole organism;
  • Skin diseases – with regular consumption of ginger, lemon, and honey jam, an improvement in the condition and appearance of the skin and hair is noted.

Note! Heat treated according to different techniques, fresh ginger and root are actively used in cosmetology. It creates antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and rejuvenating masks for the face, hair, and body. When using such a device, it must bear in mind that it has a strong warming effect. But ginger jam is not used for such purposes, as it does not give the necessary cosmetic outcome, and large amounts of sugar can have the opposite effect.

Contraindications and harm ginger jam

Ginger is a unique spice that has a peculiar taste and a characteristic effect on the human body. Before treating visitors with blanks from this root, you must familiarize yourself with various contraindications.

Ginger jam can harm people who suffer from the following diseases:

  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth or gastrointestinal tract;
  • Inflammatory processes in the liver and the conditions for which they are characteristic;
  • Low blood clotting;
  • History of stroke and heart attack;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • High blood sugar and the use of antidiabetic drugs.

Even if the above diseases are not present, damage from ginger jam can cause the following categories of people:

  • Pregnant women (2, 3 thirds);
  • Nurses;
  • Children under 2 years.

You cannot eat canned food with ginger root while exacerbating chronic diseases. It is only possible with the doctor’s permission.

It should bear in mind that the composition of ginger root jam may contain spices and seasonings that cause allergies. Before treating a person with such a treat, warn him about the ingredients in the composition.

In addition, it is essential to know how to make ginger jam correctly because a violation of preservation techniques causes many bacteria to develop inside the jar. To reduce the chance of mold in the curls, it is recommended to sterilize the jars before packing the product. If defensive techniques are violated, the risk of developing gastrointestinal toxicity or imbalance increases significantly.

Important! Although ginger is a cough treatment, you should never eat it over high temperatures. This ban is because it has a warming effect and can further heat up the body that fights the disease, which will only worsen the health.

ginger jam good for you
ginger jam good for you

Ginger Jam Recipes

Ginger jam with oranges, lemons, honey, cinnamon, and other ingredients stimulates appetite and digestion, so the dish is an ideal addition to the festive table. You can eat it on your own or serve it for tea, cookies, and other sweets.

To increase immunity, you need to eat 1 tbsp regularly. l. ginger jam a day. It is best to use entertainment prepared without heat treatment for this purpose.

Whatever the composition of the ginger jams, the technique of its preparation will be almost the same. Preparation of ingredients takes place in several stages:

  • Selection of components … Only firm roots of medium size, not damaged by rot and mold, are used. In addition, other ingredients are processed (citrus fruits, melons, spices).
  • Cleaning and rinsing … The sorted fruit and the fruits are well washed, and at the same time, the jars and the lid are disinfected. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Refined ingredients are cut into strips, sliced, or shredded, depending on the recipe.
  • Filling … To remove the bitter taste of ginger, pour it with cold water for 2 days. Water should be changed at least 5-6 times during this time.

After preparing the ingredients, according to the recipe, the chopped root is cooked alone or in combination with other fruits and vegetables. Finished delicacies are placed in a bank, rolled up, and sent to storage. Knowing how to make ginger jam according to a classic recipe, you can make your own by adding various ingredients.

The most exciting and healthy options for making ginger jam:

  • With lemon … For 0.25 kg of chopped ginger, you need 4 cups of sugar, a pinch of salt, and 1/2 cup of lemon juice. The recipe for lemon and ginger jam involves using water. Its amount depends on the size of the pan which will cook the treatment. First, put ginger in the container, fill it with water and cook on low heat for an hour. Salt and sugar are poured into the cooled broth and lemon juice. Place the pot over medium heat. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes in addition to high heat with constant stirring. It is the standard jam recipe used to enhance immunity. You can change it by adding citric acid or lemon juice instead of lemon juice.
  • With zucchini and apples … To prepare such jam, you need 0.25 kg of ginger cut into a blender, 1 kg of zucchini cut into cubes, a large apple, 1 kg of sugar, and a glass of water and lemon juice. First, the syrup is boiled from 1/3 cup of lemon juice and all the sugar. Heat the remaining liquid in a unique pot with ginger, zucchini, and apples. After boiling, mix the contents of both banks and cook for 40 minutes, stirring constantly. The zucchini has a neutral taste and will absorb the ginger taste during cooking, and the sultana will be less intense.
  • With oranges … This citrus fruit is as rich in vitamin C as lemons, and the taste of the jam will be much sweeter than classic lemon jam. To prepare it, you need 6 oranges, 120 g of ginger, 3 glasses of water, and 1 tsp—of vanilla sugar. The skin is removed from the oranges, and the pulp is cut into slices. In a pot, the syrup is boiled from water and sugar; orange slices are placed in it after thickening. After 5 minutes, the orange syrup goes off and is given for one day. The next day, the syrup is heated, grated, cut into strips, dried ginger, and added vanilla sugar. After boiling, the jam is boiled for another 5-10 minutes. In the same way, you can make orange jam with ginger and cinnamon added instead of vanilla sugar.
  • With pears … The recipe contains only 50 g of ginger per kg of peeled pears. The root is cleaned, filled with a glass of water, and covered with sugar. Sugar needs at least 0.8 kg. The syrup is boiled from the resulting solution. The sliced ​​pear is placed in cold syrup and left for 12 hours, after which the contents of the pan are brought back to a boil and cooked for another 15 minutes. After complete cooling, the cooking is repeated. Ginger and pearl jam will be ready after 3 cooking cycles.
  • With honey … This recipe does not involve heat treatment, so all the favorable properties of the ingredients contained in the composition are preserved. To make jam, you need 0.25 kg of ginger twisted through a meat grinder and 1 glass of liquid honey. The products are mixed thoroughly and packed in a jar. Such a delicacy is stored in the refrigerator. It has to be devoured because, over time, the honey mixture starts to ferment.

Once you figure out how to make ginger jam, estimate the number of ingredients you have. The first portion is best made in the same size as the recipe. Then you can experiment by changing the proportions or adding cinnamon, cloves, and other spices to the jam with ginger.

Note! To reduce the calorie content of ginger jam, it is better to add natural honey instead of sugar. But this advice is not suitable for people allergic to bee products. If you add citrus peel or purchased fruit with skin to the jam, remove the paraffin layer used to cover them in stores to extend shelf life. To remove it, but the food in water for an hour by adding 1 tablespoon. Vinegar is then washed and dried with a sponge.

Interesting facts about ginger root

People have known about ginger’s great taste and healing properties for more than 3 thousand years. Initially, this functional root was cultivated only in India. With the development of trade relations, the culture spread to modern Greece, Italy, and Egypt territories.

Sailors spread ginger worldwide: they chew this root to deal with seasickness. It has been scientifically proven that ginger contains more than four hundred substances that are beneficial to humans. Still, even without a thorough analysis, our ancestors knew that the benefits of the root were simply fabulous. Used in medicine to treat various diseases, added honey to give the mixture a more pleasant taste. Ginger mixed with love was the first recipe for ginger jam.

The use of ginger in cosmetology is exciting. Masks made of grated ginger rejuvenate the skin, restore its color and tone due to the warming effect, improve blood circulation and activate dormant hair.


Ginger Jam is a tasty, delicious, and incredibly healthy dish. Its preparation does not take much time and does not require the use of expensive ingredients. Thanks to a short heat treatment, the maximum amount of nutrients are preserved in it, and recipes without cooking allow you to create a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. And yet not everyone is entitled to eat healthy food. Patients with chronic diseases can only add ginger sweetener to their diet with their doctor’s permission.

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