Mosquito repellents; how can we make them at home? Recipes for making homemade mosquito repellents. How to relieve itching and swelling from a bite with improvisation. Features of their application. Home remedies for mosquitoes are a simple, effective, and safe solution to those pesky little things flying around us that spoil our rest. Not everyone likes modern chemical preparations, as their effects on the human body have not been thoroughly studied. But the folk methods of fighting mosquitoes invented by our ancestors have been tested by the experience of many generations.
Mosquito repellents essential oils
Can use essential oils to prevent mosquito attacks indoors and for personal protection. Mosquitoes perceive the smell of some of them as a danger signal.
Oils with excellent properties include margosa (neem tree), tropical verbena, tea tree, citrus, thuja, clove, eucalyptus, citronella, thyme, lavender, peppermint, basil, rosemary, geranium. As you can see, the list is extensive enough for you to quickly find and choose the essential oil that suits you by smell.
Here are some of the most popular aroma sell-based mosquito repellants:
- Aromatic mix for a spray bottle … It’s easy to do. You should take ten drops of a suitable fragrant oil (or a mixture of them) and mix with salt or soda (0.5 tsp), water (10 tablespoons), and alcohol (1 tablespoon). Must poor this fragrance mixture into a traditional spray bottle sprayed with indoor plants. Can work everything in the room with a mix: mosquito nets, curtains, windows, flower pots, windowsills, carpets, upholstered furniture, doors, and door ventilation systems. You can also spray your clothes and bedding with this solution. Before, ensure that the liquid does not cause allergies when it comes into contact with the skin and does not leave a stain when it comes into contact with the cloth.
- A mixture of essential oils for an aroma lamp … 5-10 drops of essential oil or a combination of such substances are added to warm water poured into an aroma lamp. Now light a candle and enjoy the holiday. If you decide not to sit in a room but on an open terrace, increase the dose by adding 2 times more essential oil to the water – 10-15 drops, or place another aroma lamp next to the first one.
- Deodorant … Mix 15 drops of your chosen essential oil (or a mixture thereof) with 20 ml of regular vegetable oil, such as sunflower, corn, or olive oil. With this mixture, you can lubricate all body parts not covered by clothes before walking and forget about the mosquito threat for a few hours. A bonus is a nourishment and healing for the skin. It is very convenient to spread it with paper. You should apply the repellent from the essential oil on it, rub it on paper, and then lubricate the skin. The cost of the funds will decrease, but the effect will be the same.
- Cosmetics with essential additives … In your favorite cream, shampoo, bubble bath, or shower gel, you can add an essential oil that repels mosquitoes at the rate of 5 drops of essential oil for every 10 ml (about 1 tablespoon) of the cosmetic. Cosmetics will acquire an almost frightening aroma to humans but deter blood-sucking insects. We recommend adding essential oil to a small number of cosmetics just before use (but not to the entire bottle or jar), so you can experiment with fragrances more often.
Always follow the recipe, do not experiment with ingredients and dosages, and do not apply undiluted essential oil to the skin. Ensure you do not have a local allergic reaction before using it.
Recipes for home remedies for mosquito repellents
Knowledge of how to make home remedies for mosquitoes has been passed down from generation to generation. We have collected the best recipes for you and will share them with pleasure!
What to use mosquito repellents on the street
You can protect your surroundings from mosquitoes, as well as yourself when walking or out in nature, in such a simple way:
- A sachet and a decoction of fragrant leaves … While you relax in nature, keep your hands free with a simple word: you need to pick and knead the aromatic leaves of lemongrass, lemon balm, thyme, or wormwood; their aroma is pleasant for people and unbearable for mosquitoes. If you mix the leaves with acceptable salt, the smell will intensify. Used this mixture of smelling plants and salt to fill sachets – small bags with ribbons placed in linen to smell and repel moths. After a while, these leaves can be put in a pot, filled with water, and hung over the fire. The steam from the boiling broth will repel mosquitoes.
- Vanilla drops … Natural vanilla drops can also be used as a repellent on elbows, hamstrings, neck, and wrists. You need 100 ml of high-quality vodka and 1-2 vanilla pods to do it. It should be placed in vodka for 60 days to infuse.
- Wormwood broth … Before walking, you can also wipe your face and other body parts not hidden by clothing with wormwood drainage. To prepare it, you need to boil one handful of chopped roots in one and a half liters of water.
- Split decoction … Split decoction also has repellent properties. It is necessary to take 5 grams of its dry inflorescences, pour 200 ml of water, boil, cool, mix with any cologne (50 drops of decoction for 50 ml of cologne), and dry the open area of the body with it.
- Wheatgrass Decoction … A concoction of the ubiquitous weed, wheatgrass, is also a great mosquito repellant. To prepare it, you need to take 100 g of roots, cut them, pour 1.5 liters of water and boil them three times so that it becomes light yellow. With cooled broth, you can dry your hands and face. When your skin is dry, you don’t smell, unlike mosquitoes, who now prefer to fly around you for at least three hours.
- Eucalyptus oil… It’s also an excellent repellent. Smear the exposed parts of your body with it, and don’t worry; not a single fly will touch you. Eucalyptus oil is easy to make. If you have fresh leaves, place them tightly in a 1/2 quart jar, then top with vegetable oil. Close the lid and put it in a sunny place. After 3 weeks, squeeze the leaves and filter the resulting substance through cheesecloth. Add more fresh leaves and leave them in the sun for another two weeks. Then press again and filter. The more times you repeat this enrichment procedure, the more concentrated your oil will become. You can dry the skin with a product enriched 1-2 times; more saturated should be diluted with ordinary vegetables before applying. You can also make eucalyptus oil from dried leaves purchased at a pharmacy. They must be crushed and poured with vegetable oil, required in a warm place for 10 days. For 30 g of leaves, you need 1 glass of vegetable oil. Store the strained material in a dark glass bottle.
Mosquitoes annoy us not only on the street but also in our homes. In this case, there are also suitable solutions in the knowledge store.
What mosquito repellants can be used indoors?
Here’s how you can use home remedies to repel mosquitoes from your home:
- Pyrethrum powder … Mosquitoes will never fly into a room if you treat it with white or Persian chamomile. It would help if you took pyrethrum powder and simply sprinkled it on all corners and cracks in the house, tops of cabinets and shelves, air conditioners, windows, and doors. The substance is harmless to human health but deadly to mosquitoes and many other pests, such as house bugs.
- A mixture of thermos and tan … Given that the favorite place for mosquitoes to enter the room is the air vents, you can protect them in the following way. Grind dried pyrite and flowering flowers into a powder, use starch on a leaf cut into strips (not quite at the edge), and sprinkle generously with flower material. Hang the dried sheet on the ventilation hole. Such protection will save not only from mosquitoes but also from annoying flies.
- Camphor … Mosquitoes also treat their fumes negatively. Can eliminate even the most significant room from their presence by fumigating it with a hundred grams of camphor (simply by vaporizing over the burner).
- Eucalyptus leaves … Mosquitoes and Eucalyptus do not tolerate well. They will not fly into the room if you take a small metal bowl, put a handful of fresh or dried leaves there, pour water over it, and set it on a small fire. By the way, such inhalation is only harmful to mosquitoes. Still, it is helpful for people because it heals the air by killing bacteria. If there is a patient in the house with something cold, the operation will hasten his recovery.
- Fragrant leaf mixture … Finely chop fresh leaves of basil, blackberries, bird cherry, peppermint, cabbage, tomatoes, and pyrethrum and arrange in a small container. You can add acceptable salt. Be careful with cat litter if you have a cat in your home. Another name for this plant is catnip. It is beautiful to them, and the animal can break the container.
- Elderberry bouquet … If you bring a bouquet of branches of this plant into the house, it will be free of mosquitoes for at least a week.
Attention! Almost all mosquito repellants are associated with the inhalation of fragrance. Therefore, allergy sufferers should be cautious with their use.
What is a natural way to repel mosquitoes?
Topical application of home remedies will help reduce swelling and itching of the skin at the site of a mosquito bite:
- Cold … Plain ice cream or something hard enough (for example, a cleanly washed coin or a bottle of cold water from the freezer). The cold reduces inflammation in the skin and has a mild anesthetic effect.
- Essential oils … Relieve inflammation and itching in the lotions with lavender and tea tree oil.
- Ammonia … Diluted in half with plain water also relieves swelling and itching at the bite site. Soak a cotton pad with it and apply it to the itchy area.
- Manganese … Similarly, a weak (pale pink) manganese solution will help deal with the problem.
- Baking soda … Massage cream with a solution of baking soda (0.5 tsp. per 1 glass of water) also helps.
- Vinegar … A weak solution of 9% vinegar (one-third with water) applied to a cotton pad or gauze and applied to the injection site can also reduce mosquito bites.
- Medicines from the first aid kit at home … You can also lubricate the bite sites with salicylic acid or Boral alcohol,
- Everyday Products … Many foods applied to the bite area can help reduce itching and inflammation. These are kefir, sour cream or buttermilk, milk diluted in half with water, chopped onion, cloves of garlic, lemon juice, acceptable salt (rub gently into the skin, be careful not to damage it), and even used tea bags, the effect is similar to a tea infusion.
- Small compresses … They should be made from fresh mashed leaves of mint, parsley, plantain, calendula or bird cherry, dandelion juice, or juice of cut aloe vera leaves.
- Home Remedies … Mint toothpaste or a thick solution of laundry soap can also help reduce itching at the mosquito bite site.
Attention! Any remedy for mosquitoes can cause individual intolerance!
Features of using home remedies for mosquito repellents
Folk recipes for mosquitoes are harmless to health, but when applying, one should not forget about reasonable precautions:
- Contraindications … Many herbal ingredients from which folk songs are prepared can be harmful and therefore contraindicated for children, pregnant women, and those with allergies.
- Precautions for use … When treating the skin with an oil or solution, ensure that it does not come into contact with the eyes and mucous membranes. Do not apply to scratched or sensitive skin. Failure to follow these simple precautions can lead to irritation at the very least and poisoning at the most.
- Should store proper storage … All materials not intended for food should be out of the reach of children to avoid poisoning and injury.
- Caution with surface treatment … If surfaces in the room are treated with folk remedies, you should first ensure that the agent used does not harm or damage it – by discoloring, dissolving, etc.
Home remedies for mosquito repellents are no longer the secret behind seven seals. You know how to escape unpleasant bites. You can go out into nature or relax at home with peace of mind, without fear of the annoying attention of blood-sucking insects.